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Would you like to provide help in a more practical way? Why not rummage through the attic, closets, and more. Why not pass on, what you do not need any more, but is still in good condition?

There are still many needy families and disadvantaged ethnic minorities in Eastern Europe. For this people clothes, shoes, jackets, strollers, etc. are hardly affordable, while we often own more than one of these things and not even use them.

OEMCH has been running monthly transports of relief supplies to Eastern Europe for years, where our employees check the goods on site and send them to those in need. On average, we give over 120 tons of relief supplies to poor people every year free of charge. The target countries are mainly: Albania, Kosovo, Romania, Serbia, Czech Republic, Hungary and the Ukraine.

The relief supplies are given a 100% free of charge!

In order to cover the transport costs, we thank you for a monetary donation (CHF 3.- per box or per bag).

Collection points pdf.