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The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others
Albert Schweitzer

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for only CHF 45.- per month

For only CHF 45.- per month, you can provide a child with healthy food, warm clothes and the necessary school supplies (in Eastern Europe not free of charge as it is in Switzerland). These are important prerequisites for optimal school attendance conditions and they are increasing the chances for a better future enormously.

The sponsorship program for children was launched mainly to support children from big and poor families in Eastern Europe.

Currently around 300 children benefit from our sponsorship program. With your help, it could be much more.

With sponsoring just one child, we can already help an entire family, e.g with clothes, school supplies, groceries, everyday necessities, medicines, rent, electricity and fuel, while our Regional Directors of the Children Sponsorship Program (CSP) ensures that the support money really arrives and will be used for the intended child and purpose.

For more information consult iCSP pdf


contact our staff without obligations:

Email: Markus Burri

+41 44 932 7913
Mo - Fr
8:30am - 12:00am

Thank you!


from CHF 100.- per month

Forever out of poverty?

Studying in Eastern Europe offers the most effective way out of social disadvantage.


would therefore like to give special support to young people from

socially and financially disadvantaged backgrounds who are suitable for

an academic career.

Young people who have obtained an academic

degree usually make it out of poverty and can henceforth also support

their own family (parents and siblings).

Accordingly, a student sponsorship is a particularly worthwhile investment.

If you would like to take part and enter into a sponsorship limited to a degree course, then apply for:
"Student Sponsorship".

CHF 100.- per month.

For more information, contact our staff without obligations:

Email: Markus Burri

+41 44 932 7913
Mo - Fr
8:30am - 12:00am

Thank you!


from CHF 45.- per month

Poverty in old age can affect anyone and is particularly cruel.

After having worked all life, payed taxes, raised children, to then – for whatever reason – suddenly end up on the street with nothing? Nobody deserves that. We try to help these people, who can’t help themselves any more. We bring groceries and medicine, hygiene products and if possible, we give them a safe home.

Our employees in Georgia built a retirement home just for that.

Please help us to give this wonderful people a dignified retirement.

There are two possibilities:

  • Donate to the food and medicine ministry.

  • Take on a sponsorship for CHF 45.- per month
    to support one elderly person.

For more information, contact our staff without obligations:

Email: Markus Burri

+41 44 932 7913
Mo - Fr
8:30am - 12:00am

Thank you!


CHF --.- freely selectable

Our Helpers are our “Hands and Feet” so to speak.

To their faithful work we owe it, that all the relief supplies reaches those in need. And that our humanitarian projects become real. There is so much work to do, without the consistent help of many volunteers, we couldn’t do it.

Although this people help on a voluntary basis, many of them depend on a little financial support to continue with their good work. With your monthly support of any amount,
we can support some of our regular and most dedicated helpers

and therefore help the poor who in return depend on their help.

For more information, contact our staff without obligations:

Email: Markus Burri

+41 44 932 7913
Mo - Fr
8:30am - 12:00am

Thank you!